Learn hypnotherapy, gain a professional diploma that is accredited by the IPHM and upgrade your mindset along the way. This is the only place to learn our exclusive Limitless Mindset Therapy.

Breaking News: Roz Knox has joined the team here at FFHA!

Roz is the perfect example of the phrase: healed people heal people. Roz transmuted her own anxiety into healing energy to help others. Once she had transformed her own life with hypnotherapy she realised that she had to do this for others.

Roz has been working as a hypnotherapist for many years and has now joined our teaching team to ensure the highest quality of hypnotherapy is available to as many people as possible.

Roz and Glen are a fantastic teaching team blending Roz's calming and reassuring pressence with Glen's energetic style creates a wonderful balance.

Why not book a free chat with one of our team today? No sales, no pressure - just a chat about what we offer and how we can help you create your brand new career!

Book Your Free Chat Here

Book a Free Chat

Do you have some questions that you would like answered before committing to this programme? Book a free 30 minute Zoom chat with one of our team to ask anything you like.

Fully Accredited

Our professional Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Practice is fully accredited by the IPHM (International Practitioners of Hollistic Medicine). Click the image above to visit their website.

Hypnotherapy Services

If you're here because you're actually looking for hypnotherapy/therapy to help you with an issue, check out our sister site Freedom Formula Hypnotherapy Practice.

Client Review

"Freedom Formula Hypnotherapy academy is a wonderful school to be a part of! Glen is an amazing hypnotherapist and an amazing teacher. Glen has so much knowledge that he goes out of his way to share with others who would like to learn more! A brilliant school with a family feel environment"

Rebecca mchugh

Different ways to train with the Freedom Formula Hypnotherapy Academy

There are three distinct ways of working with the Freedom Formula Hypnotherapy Academy. These include our:

  1. Self-Paced Online Diploma. You can enroll online and begin straight away.
  2. Online Taught Diploma via Zoom - Book a free chat
  3. Our Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Limitless Mindset Therapy - taught in-person in Wariwckshire, England - Book a free chat

Get In Touch

Would you like to learn more about our hypnotherapy training or discuss bespoke options. Get in contact via:

  • Book a Chat Option Below
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Call/Text/WhatsApp: (+44) 07877168527